Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} did you buy a christmas tree this year?
Yep :) and I love it! Fake trees are great for ornaments, but I love the live trees so much!!

{two} what is your favorite holiday tradition?
Well, this is technically my first year on my own, so I'll have to change my favorite holiday tradition a bit...but it's usually waking up on Christmas morning at my mom's and getting to exchange gifts with her and my younger sister before we do anything else :)  I love giving gifts SOO much!!

{three} do you open your gifts on christmas eve or christmas day?
We have always done both. We celebrate on Christmas Eve with my little sister's grandparents, but celebrate on Christmas day with my grandparents :)

{four} at what age did you stop believing in santa claus?
Haha, I don't even know...I think it was 4th or 5th grade.

{five} do you fill stockings?
Yes! With chocolates, an apple, a variety of nuts, and small gifts :)

{six} handmade presents or store bought presents?
I'm partial to hand-made gifts. Some people prefer store bought though. I like both, but I know how much pride goes into making something special for someone

{seven} do you have a favorite christmas meal?
Not really, just so long as I get my turkey!

{eight} is your christmas tree real or artificial?
real :)

{nine} what is your favorite christmas song?
oh gosh, I love so many! (it's all i'm listening to right now, haha) I guess one of Mariah Carey's..."All I want for Christmas Is You" is a good one. Oh and then there's a new fave this year by Dave Barnes "Meet Me Under the Mistletoe" it!!

{ten} did you send out christmas cards this year?
No...I didn't even try. I usually try to do cards, but never get them all sent out, so I end up wasting them! ...therefore I didn't waste my cards or my time this year. I may make a couple of special ones for the people I actually see on Christmas.

Now go link up at Leigh Ashley's!

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