Thursday, December 16, 2010

12 Days of Christmas Crafts #11: Clothespin Angels

Craft #11: Clothespin Angel

This is another great craft to do with children.  I made a variation of this angel when I was in kindergarten (lol...long time ago!) so I decided to show off this adorable, super easy craft with my blogger friends!

You will need:
1. Old fashioned clothespins
2. Sharpies (for face)
3. Scrapbook paper, tissue paper, or anything to construct the wings
4. beads and wire or pipe cleaners for a halo.

First, I took my plain clothespin and used a brown Sharpie to draw on some hair. You can use a number of things for the hair...cotton balls, yarn, doll hair, etc. Drawing it on was a quick method for me :)

Next, I used a sharpie to draw a face :) I made two differnt with and open mouth as if she's singing, and the other just smiling.

Third, I chose some cute scrapbook paper for my wings. I simply folded them accordian style and cut them down to size for my clothespin.

Now time to hot glue her wings to her back!

Finally, I strung some glass beads on a wire to make a small halo, which I hot glued on!

All done :)

Extremely simple project and kids really enjoy it...or at least I did when I was a kid :)



  1. Those are adorable!

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  2. So cute! Thanks for sharing!
