Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Headband :)

I made a new headband :)

(made by me)

I saw this one (below) at Dillard's..but didn't want to by 20 something dollars for it! So I made my own :) Obviously it's the logical thing to do!
you can find this one here @ Dillards

...and here I am, wearing it! Please excuse my pictures...I'm lookin' a little rough! lol
(It's a bit dificult to see it too since it's black and my hair is brown :/ )

lol, yep...this pic awesome..NoT

I'm pretty excited though. I've made other headbands as gifts for friends, but for some reason had yet to make one for myself! So when I saw that one at Dillard's, I knew I had to make it for myself.

I bought the black fabric covered headband  at Hobby Lobby for about $1. I usually take a plastic headband from the dollar store and cover it myself w/ either fabric or ribbon...but I cheated and used a pre-covered band!

Next I just cut out three circles from felt and used those circles as templates to cut my circles out of my satin fabric.

Finally, I just folded up the fabric circles and hot glued them to the felt. It took anywhere from 8-10 satin circles to make each flower.

Just glue it onto the headband now!

I'll post a tutorial with pictures soon...just couldn't wait to show you!!


Linking up with...

mmm button
The DIY Show Off


  1. Hi Crystal. I found you at Monday's blog hop :) Cute blog and awesome headband tutorial!!

    visit me at I am currently doing a giveaway. :)

  2. Very cute!! Hi! Thanks for following my blog! I am so happy you like it! I am following you now, and I look forward to hearing from you soon! Make sure to check back, we have a ton of fun stuff happening this month!

  3. Hi Crystal!
    Lovely headband you've made! You look so cute in it =)
    I'm your new follower from Monday Blog Hop.
    Would love a follow back on GFC and Bloglovin' if possible.

    Take care

  4. Crystal! I am in awe and what a cute, clever idea. I finally let me hair grow out and I've been trying to do different things with it. If I'm motivated over the next couple weeks (giving myself time, lol).. I will attempt the headband! I'll be sure to post pics.

    Thanks for the idea!!! You're so beautiful.


  5. Thanks for stopping by! I love the headband! So cute! I am a new follower! Let me know if you are interested in doing a blog swap anytime? I am trying to do more of those and it's kind of fun to see other peoples readers! Anyway, hope you're having a good day!

  6. so so adorable!!! :) how did u make it???

  7. Oh my goodness that is so cute!! Can't wait to see the tutorial, I may have to try this out for my daughter. :) You're blog is adorable! I found you on a bloghop.
    Stop by and say hi sometime!


  8. That headband is adorable! Would love for you to share this over at Gettin' Krafty With It!
