Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} what time do you normally wake up?
I don't have a set time to wake up every day b/c I work in retail. Sometimes I get up at 8am and sometimes 10am.

{two} do you have a go-to song for karaoke?
haha, not really...I don't really do karaoke

{three} if you could only see black and white except for one color, what color would you choose to see?, b/c those three colors look so dramatic together :)

{four} what color best matches your personality?
yikes! um...maybe yellow

{five} if you could choose one meal to cook better than anyone else, what would it be?
haha, this is a tough one! I love making chili..with chicken, that I'd choose it to be a meal I'd like to make better than anyone else. Don't get me wrong, it's good now, but it'd be awesome if it were the best :D

{six} how many keys do you have on your key ring?
Only 3 :) One to my house, one to my car, and  one to my best friends' apartment

{seven} do you give your pets birthday/christmas gifts?
My family has always had a stocking for their pets, so I'm sure I'll do something for my little Choo Choo since he's w/ us this year

{eight} when your plate has different foods on it, do you mix or not?
It depends on what the diff foods are. Generally I do not mix though.

{nine} if you could hire someone to do one thing for you all the time, what would it be?

My laundry...because I always wait til all my favorite and most comfortable items are dirty before I finally wash them!

{ten} when flying, do you prefer the window or aisle seat?

Idk...I've never flown before! I'm sure I'd prefer the window though!
Join in on the fun and don't forget to link up at Leigh Ashley's!


  1. Hi there! I'm a new follower from Mid-Week Mingle. Love the blog, I would kill to have the craftiness you have lol Drop by and check me out if you get the chance, thanks!


  2. Cute blog! So colorful and cheery! Following from a blog hop. I'm a new follower and would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!

  3. Jumped over from Wee Bit!
    very cute blog :)
    care to share your chicken chili recipe? ha i looove chicken chili and white chicken chili but don't know a good recipe.

  4. I love your blog! This is so cute!!!!
    I'm a new follower, please stop by my blog,say hello and follow back.
    I just love these questions!!!

  5. I'm interested in you being a Guest Blogger on my blog. I couldn't find an email address to contact you. Can you please send me an email at!

    Thanks, Crystal :)


  6. Hi! Following from Boost My Blog. You have a beautiful blog!! Stop by for a visit when you have time!

    Kristin :)
    Keenly Kristin
