Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wee Bit of Me Wednesdays (Halloween Edition)

{one} have you ever seen a ghost?

{two} when was the last time you dressed up for halloween?
Last I think I just threw on a black dress and some cat ears to help take my nephews trick or treating :)

{three} what’s your favorite candy?
hmmm...twizzlers, rieces pieces...

{four} did you have a favorite costume growing up?
I don't remember having a favorite costume

{five} did you carve pumpkins this year?
Yes! My first one ever, too! ...I posted about it earlier this month :)

{six} what’s your favorite scary movie?
I don't know that I have a favorite, but it seems like a must to watch the Halloween movies every year.

{seven} haunted houses or corn mazes?
Haunted houses

{eight} are you superstitious?
Not really

{nine} have you ever owned a black cat?
Yep, when I was in elementary school and high school.

{ten} what are you plans for this coming halloween?
Well hopefully we'll get trick or treaters! (I should probably find out from my neighbors...) and we are having our friends over for a costume party :)

Enjoy! Link up at Leigh Ashley's :)


  1. adding ears to a black dress is a great idea...

  2. Hi Crystal! Cute blog you have here! I am now following you thanks to Wandering Wednesday, and it would be nice if you could share the love back on my blog;) Also don't forget, if you need any help increasing your blog's traffic or easy blog tutorials, you know where to come!
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