Monday, October 11, 2010

Halloween Bats

Hellloooooo :)

I am still working on my Halloween decorations, but I added to my outside decor and wanted to share it with you!

To make these, all you need is stiff black felt (I bought mine from Michael's craft store for less than $1 apiece) and some scissors. Fold the felt in half and cut out half the body and a full wing...once it's completely cut out, there will be a full body with both wings! You can either draw your own bat stencil or find one from an online source. I used a template from Country Living for my 2 large bats at the top and cut all others free hand :)

I saw this done at Country Living check it out! I obviously need to add more bats haha, b/c looking back at the link, I have a tiny bat family!! I like the overall effect though :)

Simple, homemade crafts!

Here are a couple more pictures of my door with my bats :]

Hope you enjoy!

Making Mondays Marvelous


  1. Oh, those are SO cool! I want some bats on my house You are so good at this stuff...wonder where you get it from? ;)

  2. Ahhhh I love the bats! You need to help me make some for the house!
