Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} if you won a trip to Disneyland/world, who would you take with you?
my mom, sisters, and the i guess if i could only take one though, it'd be my mom

{two} when was the last time you listened to a CD?
This weekend. I keep cd's in my car and listen to them when I'm not feeling whatever's on the radio

{three} what spice/seasoning is your favorite?
er, i'm not sure...i like lemon pepper!? ..on my chicken and tuna :)

{four} if you were in a band, what kind of music would you play?

{five} if you could have personally witnessed one historical event, which one would it be?
Invention of the's such an amazing piece of technology and crazy how it has evolved!

{six} if you could go back to school, what would you study?
Business Management or something like seems much more useful than what I went to school for!

{seven} if you could go to one sporting event, all expenses paid, which one would you see?
The superbowl? Although, I don't have a favorite NFL team, I love football.

{eight} do you drive an automatic or a manual?

{nine} are you comfortable speaking in front of people?
To a degree. I don't freak out about speaking in front of people, but I still get nervous! (my hands shake a little) In high school and beginning of college I was horrified by the thought of speaking in front of helped me with that though!! :)

{ten} have you ever experienced an earthquake?
Nope! Thank the Lord, I've never personally had to deal with a natural disaster!

Enjoy!! :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

$15 CSN Winner!

Thank you to all my wonderful bloggy friends who entered the CSN $15 gift code giveaway!

.....and the winner is....

Congrats to Domestic Diva!

Here is her post:

Be sure to check your email for your gift code!
...and enjoy your new CSN goodies :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} scruffy or clean shaven?
clean shaven

{two} what’s your favorite sundae topping?
hot fudge! yummmm! ...haha, reminds me of my teenage years, working at an ice cream shop :)

{three} do you own slippers?
yes...i have a pair somewhere......

{four} did you ever have a tree house?
no! of course, i wanted one though!

{five} how do you relieve stress?
different ways. usually i like to sit alone and jam out to music :) or go for a walk

{six} what’s your favorite dr. seuss book?
The Foot Book! It's how I learned to read when I was little :D

{seven} have you ever taken dance classes?
I have. When I was in high school I took hip hop dance classes.
lol, not many people know about that...I don't dance much in public...

{eight} which do you use more: the thesaurus or the dictionary?
the dictionary

{nine} what’s your favorite form of exercise?
dancing or power walking

{ten} what’s the longest you’ve ever waited in line?
I'm not sure...probably a couple hours at six flags

Check out the linky and join in every week @ MyLeighAshley!


$15 CSN Giveaway

I have a giveaway for you!
CSN is giving one of my awesome readers (that's you) a $15 gift code to use on any of their 200+ sites! I hope you're as excited as I am! :)

Here are a few things from CSN that I'm loving....

This armless chair in Gerber Sungold would look fabulous in my craftroom :)

Who doesn't love Starburst mirrors?! Love it!

How nifty is this?! It's a pet crate and table, all in one! I'd love this for my little ChooChoo.

I adore this Daisy pendant light! It too would look great in my craft room AND the shade comes in a variety of patterns! These lights are a great way to brighten up any room.

Check out their Pendant Lighting and tell me which one you love!

Giveaway Rules:
*You must be a follower of The Crafty Crystal via GFC to enter

  1. Leave a comment telling me what you'd love to have from the CSN site.
  2. Blog about the giveaway and post the link in a seperate comment.
*Be sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can notify you by email if you are selected.

*Winner will be chosen by

~Giveaway ends Wednesday, March 23rd 11:59pm EST and is open to U.S. and Canada residents only.~

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

PomPom Headband Tutorial

I know I have been pretty much MIA the last few weeks, but I'm back with a headband tutorial :) ...that makes it okay, right? Anywho...I'll get right to it!

(ps...My camera cable ran away so I was unable to upload pictures until I bought a new one!)

Remember this headband I made? Well I promised a tutorial and I finally have some pictures!

I made one for my mother:

Now, I loved the idea of this headband from one sold at Dillards, and knew it'd be simple to make. I also came across a pom pom tutorial at Little Miss Momma before I actually made my first one.

These are so EASY! ...and they don't require too much time :)

Let's get started!

  • Fabric
  •  Felt
  • Headband
  • Glue gun
Step 1: Cut out circles in your felt. The size of your felt circle with be the size of your pom pom.

Step 2: Cut out your fabric the same size as the felt circle. I cut my fabric into strips, then folded it accordion style, pinned my felt circle on top and cut around it.
You need about 10 fabric circles per pom pom. (They don't have to be perfect either)

Step 3: Time to put your pom pom together! Take one fabric circle and fold it in hald twice.

It will look like this from the top....

Step 4: Pinch the end, add a dab of hot glue and glue it to the center of the felt circle.

Hold it for a few seconds until it's dry. Then it will look like this...

Step 5: Repeat step 3 and continue gluing them around the center piece of fabric.

It will then look like this...

Step 6: Glue your poms to your headband.
I glued three poms to this headband.

Optional: Step 7: Glue a piece of matching felt to the oposite side of the headband to cover the bottom of the pom poms.

I love it :) ...and my mom loves it!

Here is my mother wearing her headband for Valentine's Day:

Isn't she so PRETTY?! :)

Hope this is easy for you to follow along and hope you enjoyed it! Haha, as you can tell, I sat on my couch making this headband as some of those picture were taken with my legs as the backdrop haha!
Hope you enjoy the pictures too!