Friday, November 12, 2010

New Camera and Awesome Pictures!

I got a new camera!
I am so excited about this camera :) My friend Jenna has it, and ever since she let me play with it to shoot some pics of her I fell in love with it. It's the Nikon D5000.

I got to play around with it and test it out on Thursday with some friends. We went to Callaway Gardens to bike is just so gorgeous there too!

Here with my friends Katrina and Antonya :)

..and this is Aunt Diane. She came too :) She's not MY aunt...she's Antonya and Katrina's aunt...but I claim her too b/c she's just that awesome!

(Isn't this picture awesome too!!)

And finally, a picture of some of the breathtaking landscape at Callaway Gardens :)...

Bluberry craft and hobby time


Unknown said...

I'm a new follower from Weekend Blog hop. Great pics!! You've got a good eye for taking photos!
Julz@ and

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh I love those hanging flowers.

Tiny Bloom

Heather Jones said...

I have heard amazing things about that camera! I'm jealous!! I'm your newest follower from the weekend blog hop! Would love a follow back. Have a great day!

Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs

Joanne Olivieri said...

Congrats! on the new camera an excellent choice judging by these photos. The reflection is so crisp in the floral photo.

Jen M said...

New follower via Weekend Blog Hop :)
Jen @ My Secret Home

Jessica Marie said...

YAYAYAYAYAYAY! Congrats on the new camera! That's always such an exciting feeling to have! Great photos!

Erika B said...

Beautiful flowers! Truly vibrant colors.

Erika B

Jessi said...

Hi, new follower from the Monday blog hop.

I can't wait to see some more pictures from your new camera.


M and M said...

I am a new follower! I follow as PI of Products. Please follow me back at


Marana said...

i love the hanging flowers, they're so beautiful if they can be use as curtains, hehe

Vanessa said...

Thanks so much for posting the Simple Sundays blog hop button to your blog and for participating. I am following back.

Erika said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog on the Cornucopia Blog hop! I'm now following you!

Emerald Devil said...

newbie! nice to meet you and here is ours!!

Anonymous said...

I have the D5000 as well and I shoot with a 35mm 1.8f lens and I LOVE it! I'd looove to get the D90, but money doesn't grow on trees right? lol